Adam Grant, psicólogo organizacional, explica cómo desarrollar el potencial oculto de las empresas
Este episodio
Adam Grant es psicólogo organizacional, profesor y autor “best-seller” y nos explica en Tres Respuestas con Iván Duque cómo desarrollar el potencial oculto de las empresas.
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"I was waiting to feel ready before I took the leap, but the only way I could become ready was by taking the leap. I think that experience taught me that I had the relationship between confidence and action backward. I thought that I needed to find the confidence before I acted; it was actually through acting that I could build my confidence." --Adam Grant
"We've seen many companies go out of business not because leaders were bad at thinking, but because they were too slow at rethinking. We've seen democracies struggle and I think we have many democracies in peril right now, in part because we have leaders who are unwilling or unable to think again...too many people spend too much of their time thinking like preachers prosecutors and politicians." --Adam Grant
"[My father] always used to say that the much better politician is the one that devotes more time to listening and who's not afraid of having contrary Thomas Jefferson used to say, when too [many] people think alike, there's not too much thinking going on." --Iván Duque
"Great minds don't think alike; they challenge each other to think again...have the humility to know what you don't know and the curiosity to keep to keep seeking new knowledge." --Adam Grant